Energy Neighbor Fund Addresses Year-Round Need

Another tid-bit from the City of Raleigh May/June 2007 Newsletter:

“The Energy Neighbor Fund is Progress Energy’s program for providing assistance to customers in need. The fund helps cover home energy bils, whether the homes are all-electric or use gas, coal, oil, wood or kerosene for home heating. In NC, the fund also helps support Operation Fan Relief, which provides fans during summer months to the elderly and other individuals with special needs.

Donations are collected from employees and customers and, through its foundation, Progress Energy contributes up to $500,000 per year in grants to support the program. The funding is allocated by state social service agencies to community organizations for distribution locally. Recipients must be living at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level and be experiencing a household crisis such as unexpected medical bills, loss of job, etc. The administrative costs of the program are absorbed completely by Progress Energy, so all donations go to help those in need.”

I’d gladly include an extra few dollars with my energy bill each month… they should make that an option when paying your bill online 😀

Note: I spoke too soon… “Sign up online to give a monthly contribution. Complete the information on the form to add a set amount to your monthly bill for the Energy Neighbor Fund.” I’m signed up now, you should too!


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