Summertime in Raleighwood

Raleigh, Ruff Raleigh, Rallywood, Raleighwood, R-Town – whatever you want to call it – is pretty much one of the main reasons I grew up to love living in the south. In my 22 years, I’ve watched it grow into one of the best places in the nation to live.

The edge of town is far enough out to offer suburban comforts and enough “country” to remind you that you are in fact living in the south and the city itself is a haven of cool things happening almost every day. (I’m going to do my best to feature some of these here when I can, especially since the closing of

I saw both of these featured on the Raleigh Chronicle (which, oddly enough I was introduced to by my ECU cousin Lindsey who hails from Wilmington, NC) and am really excited to be able to share them here. Although they’re a bit similar to Buckhead Raleigh (yes, I’ll be posting about Buckhead soon!), I think they are unique enough to give them a Lil Lisa plug anyways.

Sidetrack Brewpub: This place BY FAR has the the BEST view of Raleigh in town. According to Raleigh Chronicle, their opening has been pushed back but I’m excited to give them a try when they do finally open their doors. I pass this place everyday coming into Buckhead and it’s exciting to know something will be taking shape there soon. Check out their website to stay updated on what’s coming up for them.

Big Boss Brewing Company: I’ve never been here before but I also found it mentioned in the same Raleigh Chronicle article as above. Their website seems to be down at the moment, but I’m going to put this on my list of places to check out over the next few weeks and see if I can’t get an udpate in here.


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