… that isn’t tested on puppies. Is that too much for a girl to ask?
I went to Target tonight in search one one thing: a new facial moisturizer. (I’m not saying the Mary Kay tinted moisturizer I’ve been using this week is the cause of this horrible texture on my right cheek and forehead that only I can tell a difference in, but I figured I’d try a new moisturizer in a sort trial-and-error and thanks to Dr. Mom’s advice.)
Here are my requirements:
- oil-free (non-comedogenic)
- light, not too heavy
- sunscreen included is a plus, but not a deal-breaker if it’s missing
- not tested on animals
- not too expensive (nothing over the $15 range)
Utter. Shopping. Failure. (Tear.)
So I’m googling… but while I’m at it… does anyone use one they’d suggest that meets my simple requirements?
(For the record, I did find some “choices” that were clearly marked as organic –another plus– and very much so not tested on animals, but upon inspecting the ingredients… were full of oils. Natural and good for you, I’m sure, but my skin will blemish up with any added oils. No thank you.)
May 22, 2008 Update: After doing some research and talking shop with some of the girls… here is an update on some of my skin-care findings. (Click to the comments to read the updates!)
June 12, 2008 Update: I have a “thing” about graphic layout on webpages… so since I’m getting lots of great feedback about this article, I’m going to include any new info in the comments so this post doesn’t get too long!
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