Have I blogged about the The Remedy Diner before? Because I’ve sure tweeted/facebooked it.
Seriously, if you are EVER so lucky as to be in Downtown Raleigh… you must try this place. Good food, good prices, good service.
I don’t think I’ve ever ventured off the breakfast menu, since it’s served all day, but the BF has and has enjoyed it. Wait, I’ve probably had a BLT. That’s at least not totally breakfast.
Not only do they have kick ass “mainstream” food, but they also are very impressive with their “alternative” offerings. Plus, I love a restaurant that’s confident enough with itself to refer to their vegetarian bacon as “fake bacon”.
Fake bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and chipotle mayonnaise on toasted wheat. 7.50 (sub Vegannise for .50)

The BF’s not a pie eater but these were the words out of his mouth – “I don’t really like pie, but that was gooooood.” All of the desserts are made by the owners mama. (Yes, I said “mama”, this is a Southern blog, after all.)
The Remedy Diner
137 E. Hargett Street
Downtown Raleigh, NC
Don’t believe me? Then read the reviews. When I was Googling for this post, I noticed almost all of the reviews have 5 stars – excluding one by a man named “Jim”. That is darn near impossible in the restaurant biz.
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