“Helloooooo Hangover”

I usually put Swagger‘s giveaways on the girly blog (all things retail, style, and trends), but this one can apply to many of you – girly or not, and it prefaces a later post on this past weekend’s really awesome Riley-Dorn wedding extravaganza.

This week’s Facebook Friday of the Week from Swagger’s facebook page is a product that has gotten rave reviews and flies out of stock: Sprayology.

Sprayology Party Relief is one of our all time most popular items – and we FINALLY have it back in! Some of our customers (you know who you are) have been begging for it!

This Party Relief is a HANGOVER REMEDY and it works like a charm – I had to test it out for you guys! 🙂 You will be seriously happy you found this product!

You can check it out here: https://www.swaggergifts.com/party-relief $24

Would have been AWESOME to have some handy yesterday and this morning. My hangover (possibly second hangover of the day) hit around 2pm while we were having breakfast at iHop. Yep, breakfast at 2pm. (I had to go retrieve my car from the Sheraton parking deck while I still had a driver and a vehicle at the townhouse before he had to go to work before I could meet the gang for breakfast.)

PS – So how did I get home? White Horse! These are my boys (because they deliver me home safely on a regular basis) and I love them. Cabs suck – get in the truck! (That should be their new tagline.)

Put the following numbers in your cell phone address book: 919-782-5893 or 888-62-HORSE (888-624-6773). You WILL thank me the next time you’d like a reliable ride home at 2am.


2 responses to ““Helloooooo Hangover””

  1. Gracie Avatar

    Be wary of the Sprayology line – they used to be sold at Bath and Body Works – years ago, when I worked there. Some of them have some not so appealing side defects!

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Eeeek! Not good. Here’s hoping they’ve changed their formula since. Yours is the first con I’ve heard against it, but it’s definitely worth looking into!

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