Category: Restaurants

  • My Durham Friends Just Got Real Lucky!

    If you’ve been around for a while, then you’ve certainly read a post or two from me about one of my Raleigh favorites… Tobacco Road. Well guess what Durham kids… you just got reaaaaaal lucky! From an American Tobacco Campus facebook update:Tobacco Road Sports Cafe opens today in Diamond View…

  • Let’s Go Pack!

    If you’re not in Wolfpack Country, the statement “Let’s Go Pack!” might mean that you’re about to go somewhere. For those of us who are in Wolfpack Country… it means we hope to go somewhere with our TEAM! 😉 Tomorrow is the NCSU vs. UNC basketball game and I am…

  • Last New Project of 2009… Promise!

    You know, unless I just HAVE to do something on December 30th. It seems like just yesterday I was announcing the launch of (Big “Thank You!”s to everyone who has visited, by the way!) Well, if you know me, you know that I also heart restaurants, bars, and going…

  • Local Round-Up: The Remedy Diner

    Have I blogged about the The Remedy Diner before? Because I’ve sure tweeted/facebooked it. Seriously, if you are EVER so lucky as to be in Downtown Raleigh… you must try this place. Good food, good prices, good service. I don’t think I’ve ever ventured off the breakfast menu, since it’s…

  • Vegas – Round Two

    Remember Round 1? That was bachelorette party style. Round 2 this past weekend was “couples style”, if you will. Hotel: Mandalay Bay. They pump a smell into Mandalay Bay. Whatever it is, I’d like to buy it… by the gallon! {Image: travel} Hotel Pool: Beach at Mandalay. 99 degrees…

  • Be There!

    I mean, what sounds better for a Monday night? SO pumped that I’ll be back from Vegas (leaving Thursday AM out of Charlotte!) in time for this! I haven’t been back to the Brewpub since the first time Nick, Adrianne, Joey, and I tried it just after opening, so this…

  • Local Round-Up: North Raleigh

    For a DTR (Downtown Raleigh) and South Raleigh kid, trips to North Raleigh (especially North NORTH Raleigh) can often be a haul. Nick and I ventured out a few months ago after a laser appointment and really enjoyed stumbling upon a restaurant we’ll be sure to try again next time…

  • It’s Time to Paaaaaarty!

    I hope everyone (well, at least those of you locals who it’s feasible for) will come celebrate the opening of Sauced Pizza with me tomorrow! This is another of the many distractions that’s kept me from blogging much lately, but boy it’s a delicious one. Between the pizza by the…

  • You Hungry?

    I bet you will be after checking out all of the great happenings for Triangle Restaurant Week 2009! It is no secret that I love going out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s not that I’m not a bad cook – I’m actually pretty good when I have time, but…

  • Bridal Parties & the Like: Downtown Raleigh

    I have been been bouncing around the idea of starting a website or blog dedicated to being the most awesome bridesmaid you can be… ever. You know, something to the tune of “”. Why? Because I get asked questions like this on a weekly, if not daily, basis.“Hey Lisa –…