Category: Restaurants
Local Round-Up: The Remedy Diner
Have I blogged about the The Remedy Diner before? Because I’ve sure tweeted/facebooked it. Seriously, if you are EVER so lucky as to be in Downtown Raleigh… you must try this place. Good food, good prices, good service. I don’t think I’ve ever ventured off the breakfast menu, since it’s…
Local Round-Up: North Raleigh
For a DTR (Downtown Raleigh) and South Raleigh kid, trips to North Raleigh (especially North NORTH Raleigh) can often be a haul. Nick and I ventured out a few months ago after a laser appointment and really enjoyed stumbling upon a restaurant we’ll be sure to try again next time…
It’s Time to Paaaaaarty!
I hope everyone (well, at least those of you locals who it’s feasible for) will come celebrate the opening of Sauced Pizza with me tomorrow! This is another of the many distractions that’s kept me from blogging much lately, but boy it’s a delicious one. Between the pizza by the…
You Hungry?
I bet you will be after checking out all of the great happenings for Triangle Restaurant Week 2009! It is no secret that I love going out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s not that I’m not a bad cook – I’m actually pretty good when I have time, but…