Category: Travel
Introducing: Bay Breeze Retreat
Of the many things Johnnie Nobling and I have ventured into together this year, one of the things I’m most proud of is putting our name a piece of dirt together with a water view. 🏝🏖🌊😎 (As many of y’all know, Morehead City, Atlantic Beach, and Beaufort are our relaxing…
24 Hours in Charlotte: The Road to Van Gogh and Back
Johnnie Bud and I hit the road Saturday morning for ~noon arrival to Van Gogh Exhibit Charlotte: The Immersive Experience and when I write “road” I Highway 64 and not I-40 because when you have the option to cruise the more comfortable and relaxed of westward bound routes, you should…
The “Soon-to-be-Famous” Cinnamon Bun at The Banks Grill Deserves All the Fame
The Banks Grill in Morehead City, NC, is a hidden breakfast and lunch gem that we stumbled upon thanks to Yelp.
Team No Waste
Today’s breakfast/lunch (truly brunch without the boozy drinks) combo I whipped up in my small but mighty kitchen here in Antibes inspired this post. I used leftover bread from last night’s dinner as the base; layered in leftover sauteed Brussels sprouts, a few slices of mozzarella cheese, and frozen spinach;…
Salt Water Views
Raleigh, be warned. As much as I miss you, a girl could really get used to waking up near the water. The views on my last few days of runs and walks in Antibes have been too good not to share. These pictures are from the beachfront in Antibes, Fort…
I’m Living in France – and Drinking Less Wine Than Ever
I’ve been in the south France for nearly a month and I’ll be here off and on through the end of April finishing my dual master’s degree in Global Luxury Management. You’d think while I’ve been here that I would have had more than my fair share of wine already,…
A Monday in Monaco
I knew Monaco was one of the places Johnnie Bud was most looking forward to while visiting Europe, so we had to get a visit in before he had to return to North Carolina… even if that meant visiting on a Monday. We were a little underwhelmed at the lack…
Sunday Funday in Cannes
A week ago Sunday, Johnnie Bud and I headed to Cannes with GLM classmates Daniel, Sarah, and Stephanie. Taking the SNCF train for $12 round-trip, it was about a 30 minute ride (with stops included) and we couldn’t have asked for better weather. It was fairly quiet in Cannes on…
First Days in Antibes
Can I take just a second to brag on my wonderful manfriend who accompanied me over the pond for the first week to help me get adjusted to life here in Europe – and to enjoy a mini-vacation, too? While I was joining 41 other NC State GLM students here…
Hello from the South of France!
A few life updates: I’ve migrated this blog over from Blogger – so welcome back if you’re a returning visitor and thanks for tuning in if you’re a first timer! I’m currently in my second semester of the NC State master’s degree in Global Luxury Management which means… I’m living…