Tag: Google

  • Yabba Dabba Do!

    Once again, totally loving Google’s change for the day to celebrate something special… the 50th anniversary of The Flintstones! http://voices.washingtonpost.com/celebritology/2010/09/the_flintstones_at_50.htmlhttp://tunedin.blogs.time.com/2010/09/30/the-flintstones-hit-50/ When I got to Shoeboxed today, Caitlin and I were sitting in the marketing room confessing that we both DVR it regularly since it airs on the Boomerang TV network…

  • Google Outdid Google


  • Happy Birthday, Sesame Street!

    Google celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Sesame Street today.(Details from HuffingtonPost.com) Brings back memories, huh?

  • The Hungry Caterpillar

    LOVE Google today. I’m such a fan of their occasional changes.The Hungry Caterpillar is celebrating its 40th anniversary this week!

  • Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

    Did anyone else notice how awesome Google is today?Today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday – check out FirstBook’s blog post about this fun occasion! (Image: Google.com homepage)

  • Slow Internet on the Cell?

    How cool is it that you don’t have to get on the super slow internet on your phone (or worse – no internet at all) or listen to the ads on “Free 411” (1-800-373-3411) anymore. Once again, thank you Google for making life just that much easier. 1-800-GOOG-411 (466-4411)Put it…

  • How Pretty is Google Today?!

    Guess who will be doing a lot of Google-ing today?

  • I Promised Myself I Wouldn’t Blog Today…

    …because I have SO much to get done right now, but this was too juicy to only share with Adrianne (my fellow Google-addict). Now, brace yourselves, this is not very Southern-girly of me, but like my profile says: I’m at home in the modern world. And I absolutely love the…