Tag: puppies

  • Santa Paws!

    It’s baaaaack! Treat your dog to Santa Paws, the Triangle’s Original Holiday Photo Event with Pets! Visit the SPCA of Wake County online to make your reservation online.

  • I Can’t NOT Help

    My aunt sent me this email from her friend’s church’s youth group (I don’ think that was too hard to follow):Our Younger Girls Action Group is taking up donations for the Crossnore School in Crossnore, NC, near Banner Elk, NC. Founded in 1913, The Crossnore School is a private, non-profit…

  • Tank and Delta Have a Quick Request…

    Could you please take a view seconds to vote for this great local organization that’s helping their furry friends?Please help dogs and cats in Raleigh and the Triangle by voting for a wonderful organization called Independent Animal Rescue (IAR) in America’s Favorite Animal Shelter contest. IAR rescues cats and dogs…

  • DBTT ’08

    LOVE that this never interferes with college football… genius I tell ya. Thanks Ashton! From DowntownRaleigh.com:Down By the Tracks SPCA Benefit sponsored by DowntownRaleigh.comSunday, September 21 On September 21, 2008, from 4-8pm…The Shops at Seaboard Station, a Gregory & Parker, Inc. Development, will host Down by the Tracks, VII, a…

  • Good News, Good Vibes, and Good Tunes Today

    I feel awful today – I’m running on next to nothing but I am counting down the days (and minutes) ’til Wolfpack Football and after Labor Day… which is when the BF and I can finally get away on that vacay we’re both long overdue on! Luckily, my daily blog…

  • Auction for the Animals

    Yay – another opportunity to help our four-legged friends! From dBusinessnews.com:Second Chance Pet Adoptions Announces 8th Annual Auction for the Animals RALEIGH, NC – Second Chance Pet Adoptions is pleased announce the 8th Annual Auction for the Animals. The Auction will take place Saturday, July 19 from 7 to 10…

  • More NASCAR Love…

    I’m sure my fashion blog readers were shocked when I did a post dedicated to Under Armour & NASCAR… but I mean c’mon… NASCAR’s awesome. The commercials are hilarious, the sport is downright exciting to sit in the stands (or your living room with surround sound) in the midst of,…

  • A Little Southern Humor for Today…

    Thanks Aunt Deb!How to Install a Home Security System in the South1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men’s used size 14-16 work boots. 2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine. 3. Put a few giant dog…

  • One Small Request

    I love reading (and writing!) blogs, all kinds of blogs: Raleigh blogs, Downtown blogs, business blogs, tech blogs, wedding blogs, tech blogs, and of course… the random blogs that are more like journals. Here’s a simple request I have for those of you who enjoy writing blogs too: please blog…

  • More for the Pup Lovers Out There…

    Monkey see, monkey do I guess! Apparently, all the news sources wanted to do a some doggy coverage this weekend…Giving a paw of support to seniors Protecting your dogs from theftBoth of the above stories are from News 14. More info on PAWS (Pets are Wonderful Support) can be found…