Tag: puppies
Santa Paws!
It’s baaaaack! Treat your dog to Santa Paws, the Triangle’s Original Holiday Photo Event with Pets! Visit the SPCA of Wake County online to make your reservation online.
I Can’t NOT Help
My aunt sent me this email from her friend’s church’s youth group (I don’ think that was too hard to follow):Our Younger Girls Action Group is taking up donations for the Crossnore School in Crossnore, NC, near Banner Elk, NC. Founded in 1913, The Crossnore School is a private, non-profit…
Tank and Delta Have a Quick Request…
Could you please take a view seconds to vote for this great local organization that’s helping their furry friends?Please help dogs and cats in Raleigh and the Triangle by voting for a wonderful organization called Independent Animal Rescue (IAR) in America’s Favorite Animal Shelter contest. IAR rescues cats and dogs…
DBTT ’08
LOVE that this never interferes with college football… genius I tell ya. Thanks Ashton! From DowntownRaleigh.com:Down By the Tracks SPCA Benefit sponsored by DowntownRaleigh.comSunday, September 21 On September 21, 2008, from 4-8pm…The Shops at Seaboard Station, a Gregory & Parker, Inc. Development, will host Down by the Tracks, VII, a…
Good News, Good Vibes, and Good Tunes Today
I feel awful today – I’m running on next to nothing but I am counting down the days (and minutes) ’til Wolfpack Football and after Labor Day… which is when the BF and I can finally get away on that vacay we’re both long overdue on! Luckily, my daily blog…
Auction for the Animals
Yay – another opportunity to help our four-legged friends! From dBusinessnews.com:Second Chance Pet Adoptions Announces 8th Annual Auction for the Animals RALEIGH, NC – Second Chance Pet Adoptions is pleased announce the 8th Annual Auction for the Animals. The Auction will take place Saturday, July 19 from 7 to 10…
More NASCAR Love…
I’m sure my fashion blog readers were shocked when I did a post dedicated to Under Armour & NASCAR… but I mean c’mon… NASCAR’s awesome. The commercials are hilarious, the sport is downright exciting to sit in the stands (or your living room with surround sound) in the midst of,…
A Little Southern Humor for Today…
Thanks Aunt Deb!How to Install a Home Security System in the South1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men’s used size 14-16 work boots. 2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine. 3. Put a few giant dog…
One Small Request
I love reading (and writing!) blogs, all kinds of blogs: Raleigh blogs, Downtown blogs, business blogs, tech blogs, wedding blogs, tech blogs, and of course… the random blogs that are more like journals. Here’s a simple request I have for those of you who enjoy writing blogs too: please blog…
More for the Pup Lovers Out There…
Monkey see, monkey do I guess! Apparently, all the news sources wanted to do a some doggy coverage this weekend…Giving a paw of support to seniors Protecting your dogs from theftBoth of the above stories are from News 14. More info on PAWS (Pets are Wonderful Support) can be found…