Tag: updates
Update: All I Want is a Good Moisturizer…
My May 18th post on wanting to find a nice moisturizer that is animal-friendly drew an email from a reader who was searching for the same all the way from Portugal! How cool is that?! Rita, from Portugal, wrote to ask if I had any luck in finding a moisturizer…
More Info and a Blog from the NC Ag Jam
Bryan got his tickets front and center on Saturday AM… have you got yours yet? Check out their new blog (ooh, nice job Dept. of Agriculture!) with more info each day:Diet Pepsi-Got to Be NC Ag Jam 2008 DebutWith the Dept. of Agriculture on board, I’d say blogging has become…
“Recipes for Research” Now Available!
News from Mrs. Tammy with an update on great (and delicious) way to support Brittany’s Battle:We are thrilled to announce that our cookbook, Recipes for Research, is now available! This exciting cookbook features recipes from some of your favorite NC Celebrities so you don’t want to miss out on this…
Update: Summertime in Raleighwood
So this is a post update, almost a year in the making! (Please forgive my utter-disregard for doing anything blog-related in a timely fashion.) Original post here, for those of you who haven’t been an avid reader since day 1: Summertime in Raleighwood Sidetrack Brewpub –> Boylan Bridge Brewpub: A…
An Update on…
…updates! For those of you who are as addicted to the simplicity and speed of RSS feeds as I am, my only complaint is that some don’t pick up updated posts! What a shame. So if that’s your situation, here’s your fix! Todays updates to past posts include: All I…