Since my previous post on FireFly Sweet Tea Vodka has inspired so much interest, I thought I’d offer some clarification based on the easy to find info on the NC Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission website.
(I also did this because there’s always so much adult beverage industry gossip and 9 times out of 10… it’s just people who *think* they know the law… but don’t.)
1. This was new to me: You CAN actually buy FireFly from your local liquor store… it just takes a little bit of work. It takes a while though and you’ve got to order a lot (no worries here!).
“The Commission will approve special orders of products not on the approved price list when a local ABC board has a request from a customer. This merchandise must be purchased in full case allotments and be paid for in advance. After the product is paid for the Commission will order it from the proper vendor and when received at the state warehouse ship it to the local board where the order originated. The special order process normally takes 6-8 weeks.”
2. If the product is actually approved for sale in the state, it will only be added on a quarterly basis. The earliest it would be considered (it it has not been this past year) is in February ’09.
“The ABC Commission at its annual meeting each year in February considers product(s) for listing. New companies, who wish to sell distilled spirits in the State of North Carolina, must be represented by a resident North Carolina Broker . The broker (chosen by you) will make the presentation of your product(s).”So read up on the site a little – I was amazed at how well it’s written to provide info to the general public.
I expected lots of legalese and no clarity, but I believe if I started bottling something today, I could have it on the shelves next spring because the commission has done a excellent job of providing clear and complete information for buyers and businesses alike.
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