Southern Favorites: Cooking with Beer

I’m thinking this should be a perpetual recipe post as I know many of you include beer (either as a cooking aid to the chef or actually in the recipe) in many of your Southern concoctions.

I literally laughed out loud when I read “Life is Reed-iculous”‘s post today which featured an Eastern NC favorite: Roasted Chicken a la Natty LightSend on your favorites to be featured!

PS – Yes, thanks to this post, I just added the following label to my blog: “beer”.


4 responses to “Southern Favorites: Cooking with Beer”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    I put it in beef stew when I cook the beef in the crock pot.

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Mmmm… sounds yummy!

  3. Well I Do Declare Avatar

    I like to use 1/2 beer, 1/2 water when I boil peel and eat shrimp!!!

  4. Lisa Avatar

    Oh I am SO trying that!

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