While everyone is celebrating last night’s UNC victory over Duke, let’s be honest… both are tops… one was going to win. More importantly, let it be known that NCSU beat Wake!

And in even MORE fantastic news, look what came out today:

(Click to enlarge.)

Heck to the yes

I have been agonizing over whether or not to renew my tickets. I know what most of you are thinking “umm, there’s nothing to consider – get them already“, but it’s just that it’s SO much money. Totally worth it, but still, so much money.

Scout.com and GoPack.com are reporting four weeks of opening at home (ie: half of the season will be warm weather tailgating!), 3 of those being evening games (tentatively), and NCSU vs. UNC on home turf on a holiday weekend.

I think the decision has already been made. Goodbye $900.00 – Hello season two in the end zone seats!

(Image: GoPack.com)


3 responses to “PUMPED”

  1. KtP Avatar

    Thank you for the congrats! We are so excited. And yes you should buy the tickets – because State tailgating is the best! (the games not so much on occassion-but thats okay) I still love it 🙂

  2. Puttin' On The GRITS Avatar

    I wish getting season tickets was even an OPTION! Not that I want to pay the $5,000 that some people are paying but ya know, if I wanted to… 😉

  3. Beaufort Belle Avatar

    Congrats on the big upset!

    Check my blog on Wed…I have a little something for you.

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