Budweiser Stand by Me Commercial

Super Bowl Ads 2018

I have to admit, I’m a purist – I don’t want to see a sneak preview of any spoilers of this year’s Super Bowl ads. I would rather watch them live during the big game as they were intended to be.

Budweiser – “Stand By You”

When I saw this ad tonight (Tuesday, January 30), it caught my attention. Partly because of the messaging (Community! America!) and partly because of the beautiful rendition of “Stand By Me“… one of my all-time favorite songs.

This ad… it gives me all the feels. If there had been a Budweiser puppy included in it, I definitely would have shed a tear:

(If you have trouble viewing the embedded the video above, here’s the direct link: https://youtu.be/CxGUmtRLm5g.)

It wasn’t until I went to YouTube searching for the ad to share it here on my blog that I read that it was part of Budweiser’s 2018 Super Bowl ad offerings. Womp, womp. However, that does make it currently #1 on my list of favorites for this year.

This ad does a great job of telling one of the lesser-known stories of Budweiser – how much water they provide in times of crisis and need. Some will criticize saying it’s a major corporate entity, and it’s not authentic… blah, blah, blah. But this is a brand with incredibly strong roots in American culture which is spending a chunk of its ad dollars to humanize their brand a little. I approve!

Tune back in on Sunday evening where I’ll update with my thoughts and feedback on other big spenders!

Lisa Jeffries Nobling
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