I have quite often posted about Brittany’s Battle here, so I thought it’d be a great time for an update (via the BBI email newsletter) to let you know about all of the great things that the Coppedge family, their friends, and family are doing in memory of Brittany.
Second Annual Angel Gala
Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 22, 2009, and join us for our 2nd Annual Angel Gala. This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever! We will have a light buffet dinner, dancing, silent and on-line auctions and much more.
2009 Free to Breathe
The 2009 annual Free To Breathe event wil be held in Raleigh on Saturday, November 7, 2009, on NCSU’s Centennial Campus. We would love to have you come out and support the event. Better yet, lace up those sneakers and join Brittany’s Battle! Whether you run the 5K or walk the 1K, come out and celebrate the survivors and honor those who’ve battled and lost.
Feel free to donate or join the Brittany’s Battle team here – thank you for your support in advance!
And probably the most important part of all:
We were very pleased to be able to present the Patient and Family Resource Center with another donation from Brittany’s Battle – thanks to all of you! We were very moved when we were told that our last donation is being used to have wigs made for teenage cancer patients. As you can imagine, their choice for wigs is often limited.
Amazing! It is so moving to read about the great things the hospital is being able to do as a result of the contributions that BBI has been able to make… thanks to the support of so many great people.
{Pic: My sister – Mandy, Brittany, and Amber enjoying Sweet Summertime… I think they had just graduated from high school. To put it in perspective, my “little” sister graduates from college this spring!}
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