So this is a post update, almost a year in the making! (Please forgive my utter-disregard for doing anything blog-related in a timely fashion.)
Original post here, for those of you who haven’t been an avid reader since day 1: Summertime in Raleighwood
Sidetrack Brewpub –> Boylan Bridge Brewpub: A lot has gone down in the making of “Sidetrack Brewpub” (who received a cease and desist demand out of Chicago, IL I believe… which I still maintain is a load of crap that someone can claim the right to the word “sidetrack”). The re-named Boylan Bridge Brewpub is scheduled to open August 25th – thanks for the update Ashton & Leo! For a hands down best view of Raleigh… their patio (see pics here) which I’ve been driving by every day is where I’ll be spending some time. I’m not a beer girl, but I’ll admit it, I’m in it for the view.
Big Boss Brewery: When Buckhead first opened, we carried Big Boss. We don’t anymore, but that sure doesn’t stop me from recommending it anyone who truly enjoys beer. Go on their brewery tour sometime… it’s a crap ton (official term there) of FUN and you get to sample some of their brews for free. Sales Manager Jonny Johnson sends out a weekly email of their local happenings too for any of you interested in getting on that list. I’ve been a fan of his since I first met him at one of their Monday night tastings (teamed up with a local wine distributor, too) at The Point. I’ve been an even bigger fan since finding out about his love and support for the SPCA.
And since my original post included the nickname “Raleighwood”, I figured that’d be a great opportunity to introduce an event we have coming up at Buckhead this month that I’m really excited about. (And if any of you win the free trip to Hollywood…. you have to take me since I told you about it :-))
I’m sure I’ll have some free tickets to the party to give away… so let me know via comments or email if you’d like some!
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