Category: DIY
A New Raleigh Restaurant and New Crafty Website Addiction
Renee and I were chatting on the way to Cafe Caturra last night about how we both have sewing machines, but wish we actually knew what we were doing in that department. Now granted, I had to take a class or two in garment construction for my TATM degree… but…
For My Green Thumb Readers…
I’ve noticed many of you (with blogs that I read… drop me a comment if you’ve been lurking and we haven’t connected yet) have mentioned starting up your own backyard produce farms and/or gardens, so I thought I’d pass along some great tips from yesterday’s Toxic Free NC Spring 2009…
Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head…
…well, not so much. But it’s getting better! If you’re a DIY’er and would like to keep some of the rain drops around for gardening… or whatever else, check out this info from the City of Raleigh. These are some of the best prices I’ve seen for rain barrel workshops!…