Category: Food

  • Local Raves: The Produce Box

    Nick and I (and really mostly me in that equation) have a weekly CSA (community-sustained agriculture) service we can buy from and have delivered — The Produce Box. I totally forgot to login before 9pm tonight and pick out which Produce Box I wanted for this upcoming week. This girl…

  • Holy Crap

    This girl has the best idea EVER. I freakin’ LOVE sandwiches!(And love even more that she will downright bring it to you!) Essentially, she posts a menu on Sunday night. You email, call, or text to place an order. Lunch arrives at your location on sandwich day. How cool…

  • If you’ve ever had lunch or dinner with me…

    … then you’ve probably observed that everyone who does not eat pickles will give me theirs. (Love my friends!) I am also a potato chip connoisseur. Not just any potato chips will do. I’m a big fan of the really crunchy ones – generally known as kettle-cooked chips. I picked…

  • I Knew I Liked Her…

    Carrie Underwood just seems like my kind of girl. If someone was to ask me “Who would you like to be for a day?”… I think she’d probably make a good answer. From my pal Broadway on Air (we don’t actually know each other either, but Broadway also seems like…

  • Be Good to Yourself

    …and that totally includes chocolate and champagne. 😉 While posting an event for (which was a smashing success, by the way… big thanks to everyone who visited or passed it along!), I came across a young professionals group that puts on some really cool social events around town to…

  • Local Produce – YAY!

    Ok, it is terrible that I might need to rely on a delivery service to provide me with local, fresh produce when I pass the NC Farmers Market multiple times a day. That being said, this will still ensure I get to support local agriculture even with my “I don’t…

  • My Dear Boyfriend…

    …and I say this in the nicest way possible: SUCKS WHEN IT COMES TO DINNERTIME. Well, that’s as nice as I could make it. It’s downright frustrating. The man (boy in this situation, because it’s quite illustrative of the attitude of a 5 year old) is picky when it comes…

  • Great Giveaway for You Southern Chefs

    I received some delicious responses to yesterday’s post about Natty Light Chicken and cooking with beer. In honor of that, I’m posting a fantastic giveaway that everyone would be crazy not to enter themselves into! My favorite local gift and decorative accessories boutique, Swagger Gifts, has been hosting a Facebook…

  • Chef Todd Reaches 100th Episode – Contributes to Great Cause

    From a fellow Chix:100th Episode of “Cooking Coarse” Party to benefit Food Bank of NC Good Afternoon Ladies and Happy New Year! I wanted to let everyone know about a special event we are having this Thursday, January 8th at Savor Hospitality at 6:00 PM. This week, we will release…

  • Update: Hot Sauce Festival

    Remember my surprise (and enjoyment) at how NC event boasts a Hot Sauce Festival? Triangle Brewing Company has a cool video on their blog with pictures from the event… take a look! Looks like it was a beautiful day in Oxford for it – would’ve been nice to check it…