Category: Green

  • Starting the Year Off Right

    I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions… trust me, I can find a million ways to improve myself and life around me any darn day of the week. In that spirit, I’m still going to share some good vibes to start 2009 with… might as well set the bar…

  • {Double Post} Bring EcoStiletto to Raleigh

    If you read my fashion and trend blog, you might have responded to my call to action to subscribe to a great eNewsletter that combines two fabulous things: fashion and reducing your carbon footprint. (As they say in today’s edition: “where you get the scoop on how to shrink your…

  • CB Goes {Green}

    I saw this featured on News14 – a woman from Carolina Beach has come up with a great fabric wrapping system for gifts (all shapes and sizes) that reduces your paper waste and can be used year after year – and even all year long!In all honesty, I can’t totally…

  • Some Good {Green} Tips from My City

    I love Raleigh – email Chris Riley to subscribe to the weekly enewsletter.City of Raleigh Urges Residents to Reduce Waste During the HolidaysOn average, Raleigh residents produce about 3,000 tons of garbage each week. That number jumps dramatically to 3,750 tons per week during the holiday period, from Thanksgiving to…

  • *Crosses Fingers*

    I’m really hoping that this site will do the trick… hey, it’s worth a shot! My friend Carolina forwarded this to me via email from a daily email tips newsletter from Ideal Bite – “bite-sized ideas for light-green living each weekday”. Stop Yellow Pages This is the confirmation I received:…

  • Eco-Friendly Products for Pets

    If you’ve read this blog for long enough (or happen to know me in real life), it’s very easy to notice that I am a puppy lover (and that all dogs of any age, shape, or size are “puppies” to me). This is a great line of eco-friendly products that…

  • I Hate Junk Mail

    HAAAATE IT! But I do love real snail-mail 🙂 Anyways, not much to say about this other than “THANKS!” to A Southern Accent for sharing this totally neat little green website… where you can easily get off of junk mail lists. Sign up on GreenDimes (I went with the free…

  • Another Reason to Love Capital Bank

    If you read my first post about Capital Bank, here’s another winning reason why you should dump your dud of a bank if they’re not working for you: my debit cards showed up today and clearly noted on the back of all of the envelopes was this message –“Biodegradable. Compostable.…

  • If You’re On Your Umpteenth Nextel…

    Paging Brandon Williamson… if you can’t put it on eBay or Craigslist and recoup some of your investment… why not pay it forward? Give those old phones hanging around (you know, in a bag in the back of the closet or the bottom of the desk in the office) a…

  • “Southern” Sugar Scrub

    …because you know how Southern cooks are: directions are only “suggested” and anything goes. Case in point, this afternoon I noticed an “icky” (if you will) peeling arm/shoulder. Crap, there were two of them. (Two weeks to the day after getting sunburned on Falls Lake with the Redneck Yacht Club.)…