Tag: Johnnie Bud
Kitchen Hacks: Crock-Pot Sweet Potatoes, InstaPot, and More
I’m pretty excited about all the vegetable lasagnas in our future, but also the breakfast casserole options using thin sheets of vegetables!
Garner Ups Its Game
You’d think a small town like Garner would really embrace the local indy business movement, but the busiest places on the weekend are almost always chain concepts – that’s why i’m really excited to share a few new places that are earning my local dollars. Zin Yoga Studio & Wine…
Recipe: Redneck Caviar
This is one of Johnnie Bud’s absolute favorite things for us to have in the refrigerator so he can snack on it anytime, add it as a relish to burgers, or enjoy as a side item. The best part about this dish is that it’s really easy to modify based…
Band Together Main Event 2015
I love live music. I love a great cause. And I have an especially soft spot in my heart for this event because it’s where I fatefully bumped into Johnnie Bud just three years ago and our first date was soon after. #BandTogetherLoveStory right here, y’all. Needless to say, you’ll…
Weekend Rental: Tammy
Ignore the IMDB.com ratings for Tammy and rent this movie for a dollar at Redbox this weekend – it was hilarious! Johnnie Bud and I had a Redbox night this past weekend and picked this one because we’re Melissa McCarthy fans – we enjoyed Identify Thief so we picked this…
The Hundred-Foot Journey
(image via IMDB.com) Johnnie Bud and I rented The Hundred-Foot Journey via the Google Play Movie store on Sunday night to try out our new Chromecast device (more on that in another post). At just over two hours long, it was a little slow, but beautifully shot and made me…
Manfriend Approved: Updated Shepherd’s Pie
There was nothing meatless about Monday dinner last night, but it was the first time in many weeks that Johnnie Bud and I have been able to have a real dinner at home together, so I felt compelled to surprise him with something he had recently pointed out as looking…
Life Experiment: Humdinger Juice Three-Day Cleanse
The background: My manfriend won a three-day Humdinger Juice cleanse for me at the Rex Gala a few weekends ago. I really like cold-pressed juice and have earmarked November to get a little bit healthy and in-shape before the holidays, so the timing worked out well. I ordered the three-day…
Date Night: Raleigh Road Outdoor Theatre
Gather around to hear the story of a time and place where people went to “drive-in” movie theaters rather than megaplexes to see a movie on the big screen… See all the pictures here! On Saturday night, Johnnie Bud and I made the hour+ drive from just south of Downtown…