• What I’ve Been Up To: November Edition

    Once we get into the holiday season, it seems like time flies even faster than it already does. Much of my November was spent planning and working on large-scale annual productions, not the least of which wrapped up last weekend and tonight: the sixth annual iheartretail.com Black Friday, Small Business…

  • What I’ve Been Up To: Quarterly Edition

    I can’t believe that July, August and September have flown by so fast, that I didn’t even get the chance to write monthly recaps. (Let’s write that off to beautiful NC weather keeping my weekends and evenings booked solid.) Since we’re talking about the last three months as a whole,…

  • What I’ve Been Up To: June Edition

    Truth be told, June wasn’t as professionally exciting as May was, but it was still one heck of a busy month. I can’t believe we’re already looking the 4th of July holiday smack in the face! Started June with Charlotte and Jeff’s wedding, which meant quality time with a few…