• What I’ve Been Up To: November Edition

    Once we get into the holiday season, it seems like time flies even faster than it already does. Much of my November was spent planning and working on large-scale annual productions, not the least of which wrapped up last weekend and tonight: the sixth annual iheartretail.com Black Friday, Small Business…

  • What I’ve Been Up To: October Edition

    October flew by because it was packed with things to do, places to be, and people to see. My favorite ways to fill up a busy schedule! Johnnie Bud and I spent the first weekend of October visiting my little sister Mandy and her other half Joe up in Delaware…

  • Football Players + BB Guns

    I feel like I’m the only one who’s noticed this so far: Oct. 8, 2014 – No. 19 ECU suspends 3 after BB gun incident Seven days later… Oct. 15, 2014 – NC State suspends seven players following BB gun incident Are these kids all from the same small town…

  • What I’ve Been Up To: May Edition

    May was a super busy month. So busy that instead of writing this post at the end of month, here we are at June 2. Nonetheless, here we go: Spoke at the Raleigh Chamber Expo on social media engagement. Get a recap of my presentation here and some pictures here Wrapped…

  • What’s in your perfect Bloody Mary?

    Last week my family and I took an impromptu vacation (our first in 8 years according to Little Sister) to Topsail Island and I ordered a few Bloody Mary cocktails to take full advantage of the beachy state of mind. An extra spicy Bloody Mary at Beach Shop was a…

  • The Passing of a Legend

    After my post last week on one of my favorite Local Legends, I’m sure you can image how heartbroken I was to find out Saturday morning that our beloved Coach Yow had passed away that morning. By Saturday afternoon, I couldn’t even get on facebook, WRAL, or ESPN and read…