More NASCAR Love…

I’m sure my fashion blog readers were shocked when I did a post dedicated to Under Armour & NASCAR… but I mean c’mon… NASCAR’s awesome.

The commercials are hilarious, the sport is downright exciting to sit in the stands (or your living room with surround sound) in the midst of, and it’s the last great American sport to still let you bring your own “beverages of choice” and snacks in the “park” with you!

I noticed an email that came for Nick yesterday (pre-forwarding his RR account to the hotmail one he actually uses) from Obviously, the following caught my eye:

I told him that Ryan Newman and his wife look like our kind of people… (to which the Kahne-iac scoffed at), but then I said: “just look at those causes and that puppy’s face – he looks like a Tanker”. There’s no avoiding it, they do seem to be our kind of people!

(Note: All dogs are “puppies” to me and “Tanker” is in reference to our big boy, pictured here.)

Some of programs supported through The Ryan Newman Foundation include:

And finally, what’s a NASCAR email without thinking of my daddy:

If I had money coming out of my ears, Daddy would be the proud owner of that fire suit. Watch the story about it… the poster in reference, actually sits framed in Dad’s office.

How cool would THAT be?

Nick says that auction will go for the likes of $20K+ and I’m pretty sure Dad would wring my neck if I paid that much for a fire suit… but boy can a girl dream of the BEST GIFT EVER FOR DEAR OL’ DAD!


One response to “More NASCAR Love…”

  1. Beaufort Belle Avatar

    I would love to get that for my daddy. He grew up on Earnhardt farm land in Ktown, NC and new the older Earnhardts well.

    I grew up being a Dale Sr fan and am now a Jr. fan. (Sorry Kahneiacs!)

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