Tag: puppies
Thank you to Elizabeth Galecke of Elizabeth Galecke Photography for capturing these perfect family photos at our home in Raleigh! Feb. 2017 Update: In the past year, we lost both Mason and Tank – two of the furry faces gracing this photo – due to cancer. They were devastating losses…
Paw-fect Valentine’s Plans
Only rookies will celebrate Valentine’s Day on a Saturday night – instead, consider something fun… and for a great cause – that’s happening on Thursday night: Bark & Wine with Your Valentine 2015 Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a beer & wine tasting while surrounded by the cutest faces in town!…
I’ve Got Beach Fever
I have not been to the beach yet this summer (unless you count the whirlwind weekend at the end of April for Brianne’s wedding – be we barely saw the beach… there was other fun to be had!). Here’s hoping that every weekend in August I’ll be at the coast.…
Another Simple Holiday Wish List!
via email forwarded by Brandon (thanks, B!): Dear Santa: We’ve Been Good All Year While you are out doing your holiday shopping this year, please consider donating a gift to the dogs and cats at the Wake County Animal Center. This year, the animals are asking Santa for:–Pet shampoo and…
Happy Birthday to the SPCA of Wake County!
If you’ve been thinking about adopting a critter, this would be the weekend to do it! As I’ve written here before, I am a fan of the SPCA of Wake County (as well as the county adoption center and the many local organizations that pull from shelters regularly until an…
Favorite {Country} Songs of the Week: Week 3
I have been terrible at keeping up with this mini-series (you know how life just gets away from you in the summer and then all of a sudden, it’s fall?… yeah), but here’s a little update on my current playlist! Steve Azar – You’re My Life (video | iTunes)This song…
Coalition in Raleigh
Seriously, I can’t say enough good things about what this group is doing in the Triangle (Durham, Raleigh, etc.). I don’t think this video is on YouTube, so I can’t embed it, but visit this link and be patient for it to load: http://gallery.mac.com/robertghensley23#100540. SO amazing. PS – As I…
Yay for Chopper!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aEIwOnIX1A Two big thumbs up to the Durham, NC-based Coalition to Un-Chain Dogs. I totally just joined their listserve and will be helping to build fences any time I can!