Tag: puppies

  • Family

    Thank you to Elizabeth Galecke of Elizabeth Galecke Photography for capturing these perfect family photos at our home in Raleigh! Feb. 2017 Update: In the past year, we lost both Mason and Tank – two of the furry faces gracing this photo – due to cancer. They were devastating losses…

  • Paw-fect Valentine’s Plans

    Only rookies will celebrate Valentine’s Day on a Saturday night – instead, consider something fun… and for a great cause – that’s happening on Thursday night: Bark & Wine with Your Valentine 2015 Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a beer & wine tasting while surrounded by the cutest faces in town!…

  • I’ve Got Beach Fever

    I have not been to the beach yet this summer (unless you count the whirlwind weekend at the end of April for Brianne’s wedding – be we barely saw the beach… there was other fun to be had!). Here’s hoping that every weekend in August I’ll be at the coast.…

  • Another Simple Holiday Wish List!

    via email forwarded by Brandon (thanks, B!): Dear Santa: We’ve Been Good All Year While you are out doing your holiday shopping this year, please consider donating a gift to the dogs and cats at the Wake County Animal Center. This year, the animals are asking Santa for:–Pet shampoo and…

  • What are YOU Doing on Saturday?

    I have two great options for you fellow Raleigh kids! 1 – Raleigh Wide OpenSpecifically, the 11:00am parade through Downtown… where you can see yours truly (and Nick will very likely get volunteered, too) volunteering with Shop Local Raleigh! PS – Go see my buddy Mike for great prizes from…

  • Happy Birthday to the SPCA of Wake County!

    If you’ve been thinking about adopting a critter, this would be the weekend to do it! As I’ve written here before, I am a fan of the SPCA of Wake County (as well as the county adoption center and the many local organizations that pull from shelters regularly until an…

  • Favorite {Country} Songs of the Week: Week 3

    I have been terrible at keeping up with this mini-series (you know how life just gets away from you in the summer and then all of a sudden, it’s fall?… yeah), but here’s a little update on my current playlist! Steve Azar – You’re My Life (video | iTunes)This song…

  • Be There!

    I mean, what sounds better for a Monday night? SO pumped that I’ll be back from Vegas (leaving Thursday AM out of Charlotte!) in time for this! I haven’t been back to the Brewpub since the first time Nick, Adrianne, Joey, and I tried it just after opening, so this…

  • Coalition in Raleigh

    Seriously, I can’t say enough good things about what this group is doing in the Triangle (Durham, Raleigh, etc.). I don’t think this video is on YouTube, so I can’t embed it, but visit this link and be patient for it to load: http://gallery.mac.com/robertghensley23#100540. SO amazing. PS – As I…

  • Yay for Chopper!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aEIwOnIX1A Two big thumbs up to the Durham, NC-based Coalition to Un-Chain Dogs. I totally just joined their listserve and will be helping to build fences any time I can!