Super Bowl Recessionistas

Yup – just used another buzz word – “recessionistas”.

This year we’ll be doing Super Bowl festivities with college friends at casa de Adrianne, Joey, and Sweetie… but not to the tune of $57.00/person! My word… apparently our manfriends could equally as well pull us out of a recession as we girls can spend money on shopping, entertaining, and traveling.

In the spirit of not breaking the bank on the ‘Bowl…. let’s do some recipe sharing. My first comes from Nick’s mom (who luckily has me to share these kinds of things with as Nick only has a brother):

Super Bowl Dip

-1 pkg Velveeta Cheese (I got for the healthier version and you can also mix in other flavors of shredded cheese for kick… ie: pepper jack?)
-1 lb sausage (you can go less)
-1 lb beef (again, you can go less)
-1 bottle of salsa
-A few spoonfuls of sour cream

Brown the meats in a skillet and melt the cheese.
Combine all ingredients in a large (and I mean large) mixing bowl.
Serve hot.

SO easy and our friends LOVE it.


2 responses to “Super Bowl Recessionistas”

  1. Katie Avatar

    I love that you posted this recipe b/c my hubby (brand new boyfriend at the time) made this dip for a Superbowl Party four years ago and it sealed the deal for me! Yum

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Martha Stewart Sliders and Tequila Touchdown from Kristy!

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