Tag: football

  • What I’ve Been Up To: October Edition

    October flew by because it was packed with things to do, places to be, and people to see. My favorite ways to fill up a busy schedule! Johnnie Bud and I spent the first weekend of October visiting my little sister Mandy and her other half Joe up in Delaware…

  • Football Players + BB Guns

    I feel like I’m the only one who’s noticed this so far: Oct. 8, 2014 – No. 19 ECU suspends 3 after BB gun incident Seven days later… Oct. 15, 2014 – NC State suspends seven players following BB gun incident Are these kids all from the same small town…

  • It’s Game Week

    …and no matter the outcome of the game, I know it’s going to be a great tailgate when it starts with an email like this: To be a State fan takes real character, it just makes you stronger. So when you all have kids and Uncle Evan is teaching them…

  • I’m Still Here…

    …just doing a lot of working (and I do mean A LOT), social events and weddings, tailgating, and the like. It is that time of year, again. I’ve also been DVRing a lot of 5 Ingredient Fix with Claire Robinson on Food Network. (I promise I’ll explain next why that’s…

  • Talking Football Already?

    What’s that you say? There are less than 2 weeks until college football starts? How did this happen?? (And where did my summer go?) GO PACK! PS – For those who are wondering, I did not renew my season tickets this year. Our schedule is kind of lame, honestly. Between…

  • Toys for Tots and the Wolfpack!

    Toys for Tots is a campaign that my family and I have participated in through various groups over the years (for example: the Ray Price Harley-Davidson Toys for Tots Toy Run). Here’s another great opportunity to do a little good while having a lot of fun!via GoPack.com NC State head…

  • Fantasy Football

    This is for Nick and Joey… or more so, Adrianne. All you girlfriends and wives out there who are already competing with Sundays and Mondays – enjoy. Click here to watch online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtVWia5B5vM PS – If someone from FX happens to stumble upon this blog… it was a pain in…

  • Zac Brown Band Coming to Cary

    It’s a little messed up that they backed out of the State Fair, but I guess I won’t hold a grudge… and will still put their next local show on my calendar. Via ZBB email today: The Breaking Southern Ground Tour 2009Kicking off September 24th in Cary, NC. Tickets on…


    While everyone is celebrating last night’s UNC victory over Duke, let’s be honest… both are tops… one was going to win. More importantly, let it be known that NCSU beat Wake! And in even MORE fantastic news, look what came out today:(Click to enlarge.)Heck to the yes. I have been…

  • Super Bowl Recessionistas

    Yup – just used another buzz word – “recessionistas”. This year we’ll be doing Super Bowl festivities with college friends at casa de Adrianne, Joey, and Sweetie… but not to the tune of $57.00/person! My word… apparently our manfriends could equally as well pull us out of a recession as…