Tag: NC State Fair

  • What I’ve Been Up To: October Edition

    October flew by because it was packed with things to do, places to be, and people to see. My favorite ways to fill up a busy schedule! Johnnie Bud and I spent the first weekend of October visiting my little sister Mandy and her other half Joe up in Delaware…

  • 2010 NC State Fair in Review

    Went a total of four times this year – all four were fantastic, per the usual. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ncsulilwolf/sets/72157625109184059/ Tuesday: The boys wanted to go for dinner. Saw a cow utterly object (nice play on words, right?) to practicing in the show circle any longer by hopping over the fence and running…

  • I Hate the Cold

    Never fails, when the fair makes it to town… it’ll get cold! (Usually, it’s warm in the the day and cold at night – meaning you have to drag a coat around all day to avoid evening freezing, but it’s downright cold in the day already. BOO!) Just FYI, I…

  • Zac Brown Band Coming to Cary

    It’s a little messed up that they backed out of the State Fair, but I guess I won’t hold a grudge… and will still put their next local show on my calendar. Via ZBB email today: The Breaking Southern Ground Tour 2009Kicking off September 24th in Cary, NC. Tickets on…

  • Thrilled!

    This fall is going to be one heck of a concert season, all in one NC State Fair’s span, too! If you don’t want to watch the whole video, here’s the country-heavy (and very much Lisa approved) lineup: Thursday 10/15 – Jason Michael Carroll($5) Friday 10/16 – Third Day ($15)…

  • Recognize that Little Curly-Haired Girl?

    Readers of the NC State Fair’s blog may have recognized a familiar face yesterday! http://2008ncstatefair.blogspot.com/2008/09/fair-fan-lisa-jeffries.html (Note: Fall 1987 was just before the first appearance of my younger sister, Mandy.)Check out some of our family’s fair pictures from the 22+ years we’ve been going together (18 since my sister was born)…

  • Halloween in Wolfpack Country

    I loooooove Halloween – and all that it entails: decorating, parties, costumes, and other devilishly fun stuff. This is must-have for any Wolfpack household. ESPECIALLY the house divided so that the significant other never forgets which team is really tops. 😉(FootballFanatics.com)Thanks to CottonCandy from the NC State Fair blog for…

  • Facebook vs. MySpace

    Dear facebook, You are SO much better than MySpace.Just wanted to make sure you are aware of that. Love,LisaWhile yes, I do have MySpace (it’s necessary in the marketing/social media/bar industries unfortunately), I hate it. It’s so abused and full of crap, spam, and people who don’t know how to…

  • Country Music Junkie

    …and proud of it! I was really excited to see the line-up for the State Fair – especially Lady A and Heidi (I’m in love with “Johnny & June”):Rites of fall: NC State FairFeel that nip in the air? The 2008 NC State Fair gets underway in a mere 92…

  • State Fair Adding An Extra Day!!!

    Yay!! Looks like we’re getting an extra evening of deliciously-not-good-for-you food, rides, and fireworks, according to today’s TBJ article, State Fair to Open a Day Early: The State Fair will open a day earlier than scheduled this year for a Thursday “preview,” organizers say. The fair, originally scheduled to open…