Tag: NC State Fair
2010 NC State Fair in Review
Went a total of four times this year – all four were fantastic, per the usual. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ncsulilwolf/sets/72157625109184059/ Tuesday: The boys wanted to go for dinner. Saw a cow utterly object (nice play on words, right?) to practicing in the show circle any longer by hopping over the fence and running…
I Hate the Cold
Never fails, when the fair makes it to town… it’ll get cold! (Usually, it’s warm in the the day and cold at night – meaning you have to drag a coat around all day to avoid evening freezing, but it’s downright cold in the day already. BOO!) Just FYI, I…
Zac Brown Band Coming to Cary
It’s a little messed up that they backed out of the State Fair, but I guess I won’t hold a grudge… and will still put their next local show on my calendar. Via ZBB email today: The Breaking Southern Ground Tour 2009Kicking off September 24th in Cary, NC. Tickets on…
This fall is going to be one heck of a concert season, all in one NC State Fair’s span, too! If you don’t want to watch the whole video, here’s the country-heavy (and very much Lisa approved) lineup: Thursday 10/15 – Jason Michael Carroll($5) Friday 10/16 – Third Day ($15)…
Recognize that Little Curly-Haired Girl?
Readers of the NC State Fair’s blog may have recognized a familiar face yesterday! http://2008ncstatefair.blogspot.com/2008/09/fair-fan-lisa-jeffries.html (Note: Fall 1987 was just before the first appearance of my younger sister, Mandy.)Check out some of our family’s fair pictures from the 22+ years we’ve been going together (18 since my sister was born)…
Halloween in Wolfpack Country
I loooooove Halloween – and all that it entails: decorating, parties, costumes, and other devilishly fun stuff. This is must-have for any Wolfpack household. ESPECIALLY the house divided so that the significant other never forgets which team is really tops. 😉(FootballFanatics.com)Thanks to CottonCandy from the NC State Fair blog for…
Facebook vs. MySpace
Dear facebook, You are SO much better than MySpace.Just wanted to make sure you are aware of that. Love,LisaWhile yes, I do have MySpace (it’s necessary in the marketing/social media/bar industries unfortunately), I hate it. It’s so abused and full of crap, spam, and people who don’t know how to…
Country Music Junkie
…and proud of it! I was really excited to see the line-up for the State Fair – especially Lady A and Heidi (I’m in love with “Johnny & June”):Rites of fall: NC State FairFeel that nip in the air? The 2008 NC State Fair gets underway in a mere 92…
State Fair Adding An Extra Day!!!
Yay!! Looks like we’re getting an extra evening of deliciously-not-good-for-you food, rides, and fireworks, according to today’s TBJ article, State Fair to Open a Day Early: The State Fair will open a day earlier than scheduled this year for a Thursday “preview,” organizers say. The fair, originally scheduled to open…