I’ll just preface this post by saying, “I can sleep when I’m dead”. (Thank you JMC!)
Today – E. Riley Dorn (pictured below, on the right) is at the hospital about to welcome little “G Baby” into the world. Pretty wild stuff. I am not nearly as spazzed out about it as the rest of our little mafia, as I’ve had several friends to take on this responsibility since senior year of high school (shout out to Steph, Amanda)! The rest of the girls in our college gang? Well they’re another story. (And really entertaining to observe their reactions right now.)
Congrats Hot Momma E. Riley Dorn and Daddy Dorn!
Tonight – Nick and I are volunteering with Priscilla and her hubby Chase, and lots of other volunteers from the Raleigh Regional Association of Realtors Community Service Committee (you know I also have a real estate license, right?) at Miracle League. Pretty pumped to be volunteering to help some fantastic kids play baseball!
Tomorrow– NC State Spring Football Game, possibly a visit to CueGrass, and definitely attending Redress Raleigh.
Sunday– Bridal show w/ Brezey*B, Am*Bam, etc.
NEXT Weekend
TBMF with Katie Pi Phi, Mr. Katie Pi Phi (who will have a snazzy nickname after next weekend, surely), F’in Jess, Grubey and her brother, NEB, Nate, Big Cam, Renee, and the whole rest of the drinkin’ team. Best day of the year!
PS – Going to the TBMF and still need tickets? Buy them from my friends at the Me Fine Foundation – they get a donation from every single ticket sold! Give them a call or send them an email to arrange!
And that will consume the entire weekend – no lie.
Why on Earth would I live anywhere else in the world?
I love this place and the people that make it what it is!
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