Man, I miss college. And I seriously miss every single one of these gorgeous ladies. This picture, ladies and gentlemen, is my senior class of the NC Delta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi.
The only thing that’s missing? A few rockstar juniors (paging Hannah, Rach, Sesh, Sarah, Regina, Ave, Liv, and any other baller-ettes I have accidentally left off the list!).
So, with that said, I dedicate today’s Sunday Funday to my college sisters. I love you all and I hope life is being fabulous to each and every one of you – even those of you who I do not have the pleasure of seeing regularly 🙁
Heading to Natty Green’s in a bit with Adrianne (who I just realized is not pictured… A – where were you?) to wish Ashton (top left corner) bon voyage as she sets her sails for Italy for an extended period of her life! (Let’s wish her the best and extra luck in finding a place to live that will accommodate guests… because I’m going to visit!)
Above: One of my favorite Ashton and Lil Lisa pictures. So us.
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