How Netflix Won… and Then Lost… the Email Marketing Game with a Witch Named “Sabrina”

Hey, y’all! I’ve missed blogging immensely and I get these long, philosophical thoughts on marketing at the worst times. You know, those busy weeks where you don’t have an hour to commit to writing a good blog post. (Shoutout to you professional writers making a go of it!)

To help find the happy medium, I’ve decided to start putting some of these thoughts to video so I can get them out in a relatively quicker fashion. Will readers still find these posts helpful? I’m not sure, let me know if you’re down with converting from “reader” to “viewer”. Because after all, I’m a marketer… which means I’m curious what you think!

Long story short, here’s my first go of things… a quick take on how I think Netflix won, but then subsequently lost, the email marketing game with a witch named “Sabrina”:

(View on YouTube if you have trouble watching the video above!


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